

Interpolates fields to a surface in the middle of the cortex, and optinally transforms the fields to the FsAverage template.


Not available for headreco models ran with the --no-cat option

Usage example

  1. Open a simulation results folder, for example ernie/simu/ if you ran ernie_simu.mat

  2. Run

msh2cortex -i ernie_TDCS_1_scalar.msh -m ../m2m_ernie/ -o subject_overlays -f fsavg_overlays

  1. Freesufer overlays for the subject files will be created in the subject_overlays/ folder and for the average template in the fsavg_overlays folder/.

Further notes

  • Type msh2cortex -h for more information and options

  • This tool equivalent to selecting the interpolate to cortical surface or the tranform to fsaverage space options in the GUI or selecting the map_to_surf or the map_to_fsavg to true in the SESSION structure.