

Headreco is deprecated. Please use charm instead.


headreco reconstructs a tetrahedral head mesh from T1- and T2-weighted structural MR images. It runs also with only a T1w image, but it will achieve more reliable skull segmentations when a T2w image is supplied.


headreco requires a MATLAB. Linux and MacOSX users might need to configure MATLAB for usage with headreco, please see the see here for more information.


headreco relies on SPM12 and CAT12 for segmentation. Both libraries are distributed together with SimNIBS, so you don’t need to download anything extra

Usage example

  1. Open a terminal and go to the ernie/ folder of the example data set.

  2. Run the reconstruction:

headreco all ernie org/ernie_T1.nii.gz org/ernie_T2.nii.gz

The argument all tells headreco to run all reconstruction steps including volume meshing. The subject ID (subID) ernie is given next. Headreco will create a mesh named ernie.msh, and a folder m2m_ernie/ that contains the segmentation results and the files needed for volume meshing. The input images are given as final arguments (first the T1, then the T2).

Alternatively, the reconstruction can be run with only the T1w image as input, but this will result in a less accurate skull region:

headreco all ernie org/ernie_T1.nii.gz

You can also run headreco without using CAT12 by calling.

headreco all --no-cat ernie org/ernie_T1.nii.gz

Segmentations without CAT12 will run faster, but will have a poorer reconstruction of the cortical gray and white matter.

  1. Check the results:

headreco check ernie

This will show the reconstructed surfaces overlaid over the MR images using freeview. A second freeview will show the subject T1 registered to the MNI template for visual inspection of the accuracy of the registration. In addition, you should have a look at the tetrahedral head mesh by loading it into Gmsh. In case freeview is not available, the spm viewer will be opened to allow for a basic check of the results.

Further notes

  • Mesh resolution can be controlled using the -v option, which allows setting the vertex density (nodes per mm²) of the surface meshes. As a standard, headreco uses 0.5 nodes per mm², resulting in head meshes with around 4 million tetrahedra.

  • After the head mesh creation, temporary files are deleted to save disk space. Adding --noclean prevents this.

  • Manual editing: Edit one or more of the binary masks stored in m2m_subID/mask_prep/. Then run headreco surfacemesh subID and headreco volumemesh subID to re-create the head mesh based on the edited masks. Add --no-cat to the surfacemesh step in case you did nott use CAT12. Note: When using CAT12, surfaces instead of voxel masks will be stored for GM and WM in the mask_prep/ folder. For now, these surfaces cannot be manually improved.

  • Transformation from and to MNI space: Both positions and results such as the electric field can be transformed between MNI and subject space. Please see below for a description of the corresponding command line programs. The transformation is based on a non-linear whole-head registration of the T1 of the subject to the MNI template that is determined during the SPM12 segmentation procedure. The transformations are stored in the m2m_subID/toMNI/ directory. Subject space is defined by the qform set in the m2m_subID/subID_T1fs_conform.nii.gz, which can be found in the same folder as the head mesh.

  • When something goes wrong, you can check the m2m_subID/headreco_log.html file.

  • For headreco to run, MATLAB needs to be configured such that typing matlab on a terminal window will start it. This is already the case in most Windows installations. However, on Linux and MacOSX you might need to create a link to the matlab executable somewhere in your system $PATH. This can be done with the commands

  • Linux

    sudo ln -s /usr/local/MATLAB/R<VERSION>/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin/matlab

  • MacOSX

    sudo ln -s /Applications/MATLAB_R<VERSION>.app/bin/matlab /usr/local/bin/matlab

If MATLAB is not installed in the default location, you can find out where it is installed by typing in a MATLAB terminal



Nielsen, J. D., Madsen, K. H., Puonti, O., Siebner, H. R., Bauer, C., Madsen, C. G., …, and Thielscher, A. (2018). Automatic skull segmentation from MR images for realistic volume conductor models of the head: Assessment of the state-of-the-art. NeuroImage, 174, 587-598.