Describes a TMS optimization problem
from simnibs import opt_struct opt = opt_struct.TMSoptimize()
opt = opt_struct('TMSoptimize');
fnamehead: string (Python)/character array (MATLAB)
Desctiption: Name of head mesh file (
file)Example: Python/MATLAB
opt.fnamehead = 'ernie.msh'
pathfem: string (Python)/character array (MATLAB)
Desctiption: Name of output folder
Example: Python/MATLAB
opt.pathfem = 'tms_optimization/'
fnamecoil: string (Python)/ character array (MATLAB)
target: (3x1) list/array (Python/MATLAB) of floats
Desctiption: Position of optimization target. Please see Coordinates in SimNIBS for more information and how to obtain coordinates in SimNIBS
Example: Python/MATLAB = [-43.4, -20.7, 83.4];
target_direction: None/[] or (3x1) list/array (Python/MATLAB) of floats, optional
Desctiption: Direction of the electric field to be optimized. If
(Python) or[]
(MATLAB), will optimize the elctric field magnitude. Default: optimize field magnitudeExample: Python/MATLAB
opt.target_direction = [1, 0, 0]
cond: list/array of COND structures (Python/MATLAB), optional
anisotropy_type: ‘scalar’, ‘vn’, ‘dir’ or ‘mc’, optional
aniso_maxratio: float, optional
aniso_maxcond: float, optional
target_size: float, optional
Description: Radius of target area, in mm.
Default: 5
tissues: list/array (Python/MATLAB) of ints, optional
Description: Tissues where the target is defined.
Default: [2] (Gray matter volume)
centre: (3x1) list/array (Python/MATLAB) of floats, optional
Description: Position in scalp to use as a reference for the search space.
Default: target projected to the scalp
pos_ydir: (3x1) list/array (Python/MATLAB) of floats, optional
Description: Reference position for the coil y-axis, with respect to the pos variable
Default: Search positions in a 360 degrees radius.
distance: float, optional
Description: Distance from coil to scalp, in mm.
Default: 4
didt: float, optional
Description: Coil dI/dt value, in A/s.
Default: 1e6
search_radius float, optional
Description: Radius of search area, in mm.
Default: 20
spatial_resolution: float, optional
Description: Space between coil positions, in mm.
Default: 5
angle_resolution: float, optional
Description: Space between two coil angles, in degrees
Default: 30
search_angle: float, optional
Description: Range of angles to use in search, in degrees.
Default: 360
open_in_gmsh: bool, optional
Description: Wether to open the results in gmsh
Default: True
solver_options: str, optional
Description: Options for the FEM matrix solver. Leave empty to use the CG+AMG solver, use a string to be passed to PETSc or set
to use the MKL Pardiso direct solverDefault: Use the CG solver with the AMG preconditioner
method: ‘direct’ or ‘ADM’, optional
Description: Method to be used for the solution. Can be either a
method, which will perform electric field simulations at each coil position or the Auxiliary Dipole Method (ADM, Gomez 2020), which uses reciprocity and the fast multipole method (FMM) to massively accelerate the optimization. The ADM method is only compatible with.ccd
coil files or.tcd
coil files that only contain dipole elements.Default: