

  • Python

    from simnibs import opt_struct
    opt = opt_struct.TesFlexOptimization()


    opt = opt_struct('TesFlexOptimization');


class simnibs.opt_struct.TesFlexOptimization(settings_dict=None)

Defines a TES optimization problem using node-wise current sources.

Parameters (general)

electrodeElectrode Object

Electrode object containing ElectrodeArray instances (pre-implemented layouts: ElectrodeArrayPair, CircularArray)

roilist of RegionOfInterest class instances

Region of interest(s) the field is evaluated in.

goallist of str [n_roi], or FunctionType, optional, default: [“mean”]

Implemented or user provided goal functions:

  • “mean”: maximize mean e-field in ROI

  • “max”: maximize 99.9 percentile of electric field in ROI

  • “focality”: Maximize focality (goal: sensitivity = specificity = 1). NOTE: “focality” needs excatly two ROIs: The first will be treated as ROI, the second as non-ROI.

  • “focality_inv”: Maximize inverse focality (goal: sensitivity(ROI) = 1, sensitivity(nonROI) = 1). NOTE: “focality” needs excatly two ROIs: The first will be treated as ROI, the second as non-ROI.

  • user provided function taking e-field as an input which is a list of list of np.ndarrays of float [n_channel_stim][n_roi] containing np.array with e-field

e_postprocstr, optional, default: “norm”

Specifies how the raw e-field in the ROI (Ex, Ey, Ez) is post-processed:

  • “norm”: electric field magnitude (default)

  • “normal”: determine normal component (requires surface ROIS)

  • “tangential”: determine tangential component (requires surface ROIS)

  • “max_TI”: maximum envelope for temporal interference fields

  • “dir_TI”: directional sensitive maximum envelope for temporal interference fields (requires surface ROIS)

min_electrode_distancefloat, optional, default: 5.0

Minimally ensured distance between electrodes of different arrays (in mm).

constrain_electrode_locationsbool, optional, default: False

Constrains the possible locations of freely movable electrode arrays. Recommended for TTF optimizations, where two pairs of large electrode arrays are optimized. If True, parameter bounds for the optimization will be specified restricting the array locations to be frontal, parietal and occipital.

overlap_factorfloat, optional, default: 1

Factor of overlap of allowed lambda regions to place electrodes. (1 corresponds to neatless regions, <1 regions have a gap in between, >1 regions are overlapping)

weightsnp.array of float [n_roi], optional, default: equal weights for each ROI

Weights for optimizer for ROI specific goal function weighting NOTE: Will be ignored for “focality” and “focality_inv” goals (see below), where ROI and non-ROI are combined into a single goal function value

Parameters (optimizer + FEM)

optimizerstr, optional, default: “differential_evolution”

Gobal optimization algorithm

polishbool, optional, default: False

If True, then scipy.optimize.minimize with the L-BFGS-B method is used to polish the best population member at the end, which can improve the minimization.

run_final_electrode_simulationbool, optional, default: True

Runs final simulation with optimized parameters using real electrode model including remeshing. Note: This is required to get final e-fields for visualization

anisotropy_typestr, optional, default: ‘scalar’

Specify type of anisotropy for simulation (‘scalar’, ‘vn’ or ‘mc’)

disable_SPR_for_volume_roibool, optional, default: True

Whether to use SPR interpolation for volume rois

Parameters (debugging)

initial_x0: numpy.array, optional, default: None

starting values for optimization (will be automatically determined per default)

detailed_resultsbool, optional, default: False

write detailed results into subfolder of output folder for visualization and control

track_focalitybool, optional, default: False

Tracks focality for each goal function value (requires ROI and non-ROI definition)


Weise K, Madsen KH, Worbs T, Knösche TR, Korshøj A, Thielscher A, A Leadfield-Free Optimization Framework for Transcranially Applied Electric Currents, bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.12.18.629095