This module provides import and export functions for the Localite TMS Navigator software.
The Localite ecosystem provides two main options to store coil positions/orientations:
These are often set manually by the user during an experimental session. They show up in the TMS Navigator GUI under InstrumentMarkers, can individually be named, and are visualized by a red cross in the 3D view of the TMS Navigator.
can be used if one wants to post-hoc compute one single electrical field for an experimental condition (-> Import to SimNIBS). On the other hand, InstrumentMarkers
can be generated for a specific coil position with SimNIBS, for example after running an E-field optimization (-> Export from SimNIBS).
Storage location in Localite TMS Navigator patients folder:
Example InstrumentMarker
.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<InstrumentMarkerList coordinateSpace="RAS">
<InstrumentMarker alwaysVisible="false" index="0" selected="false">
<Marker additionalInformation="" color="#ff0000" description="M1" set="true">
<Matrix4D data00="1.0" data01="0.0" data02="0.0" data03="0.0"
data10="0.0" data11="1.0" data12="0.0" data13="0.0"
data20="0.0" data21="0.0" data22="1.0" data23="0.0"
data30="0.0" data31="0.0" data32="0.0" data33="1.0"/>
<!-- more <InstrumentMarker> objects here -->
These are saved automatically after hitting the Record Stimulation Markers button. For each pulse sent from the stimulator, positions/orientations for coil 1 and coil 2 are stored. These are visualized as arrows in the 3D view of the TMS Navigator. TriggerMarkers
can be used to post-hoc compute all realized stimulations during an experiment.
can also store the realized stimulator (%MSO) and stimulation (dIdt) intensity.
Storage location in Localite TMS Navigator patients folder:
.xml file¶ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TriggerMarkerList coordinateSpace="RAS" isOnlineReading="false" startTime="13:55:07.658">
<ResponseParameters selectedResponseChannel="0">
<responseDescription id="response" maxValue="51200.0"
minValue="-51200.0" name="Response" unit="uV"/>
<responseDescription id="valueA" maxValue="200.0" minValue="0.0"
name="Value A (di/dt)" unit="A/us"/>
<responseDescription id="amplitudeA" maxValue="100.0"
minValue="0.0" name="Amplitude A" unit="%"/>
<TriggerMarker color="#ffafaf" description="" recordingTime="52358"
selected="false" set="false" visibility="true">
<Value key="valueA" response="61.0"/>
<Value key="response" response="NaN"/>
<Value key="amplitudeA" response="44.0"/>
<Matrix4D data00="1.0" data01="0.0" data02="0.0" data03="0.0"
data10="0.0" data11="1.0" data12="0.0" data13="0.0"
data20="0.0" data21="0.0" data22="1.0" data23="0.0"
data30="0.0" data31="0.0" data32="0.0" data33="1.0"/>
<!-- (Many) more <TriggerMarker> objects here -->
How to use¶
Import to SimNIBS¶
reads InstrumentMarker
and TriggerMarker
.xml files and returns a simnibs.TMSLIST()
object. The conversion from TMS Navigator coordinate system (i.e. coil axes definition and enforced ‘RAS’) to SimNIBS coordinate system is performed automatically.
.xml file as a simnibs.TMSLIST()
¶from simnibs import sim_struct, localite
s = sim_struct.SESSION()
fn = "subject_folder/Sessions/Session_%datetime%/TMSTrigger/TriggerMarkers_CoilX_$datetime$.xml"
tms_list = localite().read(fn) # read all TriggerMarkers from file and return as TMSLIST()
tms_list.pos[0].didt # <- stimulation intensity is filled with data from .xml if available or defaults to 1 A/µs.
tms_list.pos[0].name # <- name is filled with data from .xml if available or defaults to ''.
Export from SimNIBS¶
simnibs.localite.write(obj, fn)
writes an .xml file that is compatible with TMS Navigator InstrumentMarker
.xml files. The conversion from SimNIBS TMS Navigator coil axes definition is performed automatically.
Caution: The world coordinate system of the T1 scan used in the TMS Navigator has to be set correctly. Rule of thumb: Nifti -> ‘RAS’ and DICOM -> ‘LPS’.
.xml file for precomputed positions/orientations¶from simnibs import sim_struct, opt_struct, localite
fn = "precomuted_InstrumentMarker.xml"
### export from TMSLIST
tmslist = sim_struct.TMSLIST()
# ... define (multiple) positions ...
localite().write(tmlist, fn, out_coord_space='LPS')
### export from POSITION
pos = sim_struct.POSITOIN()
pos.matsimnibs = ...
localite().write(pos, fn) # out_coord_space default is 'RAS'
### export from np.ndarray / matsimnibs
opt = opt_struct.TMSoptimize()
# ... prepare optmization ...
opt_mat = opt.run() # get optimal position
localite().write(opt_mat, fn)
The generated .xml file can now to be imported into the TMS Navigator Session structure. This can be done manually by copy-pasting the contents of the .xml file into the correct (~ last) InstrumentMarker
.xml file. Alternatively, one can use the (not official) IMporter tool.
The same anatomical scan has to be used for TMS Navigator and SimNIBS.
The same coil model has to be used for field simulations and for real stimulation.
The correct world coordinate system (‘RAS’ or ‘LPS’) used in TMS Navigator has to be set when writing
.xml files. SimNIBS always uses ‘RAS’.TMS Navigator stores one
file per coil, even if only one coil is calibrated:Coil 1 -> TriggerMarkers_Coil0_$datetime$.xml
Coil 2 -> TriggerMarkers_Coil1_$datetime$.xml
When a coil is not tracked during a pulse, the
position/orientation matrix is filled with0
. These are automatically removed bysimnibs.localite.write(obj, fn)
.TMS Navigator saves many
.xml files during an experimental session. The very last ones are good candidates to contain all data for the experimental session.Coordinate systems used to define coil axes for SimNIBS and Localite:

Importer tool: https://gitlab.gwdg.de/tms-localization/utils/importer
Localite TMS Navigator: https://www.localite.de/en/products/tms-navigator/