This command line utility function allows conversion of coil files (.ccd, .tcd) to nifti-1 volumes describing the magnetic vector potential (A-field). The conversion utilizes the fast multipole methods to efficiently calculate the A-field on a grid. The size and resolution of this grid is defined in the header of the coil file.
Usage example¶
Expand a specific coil-file: Open a terminal, go to the coil directory and run
coil2nifti -i Drakaki_BrainStim_2022/MagVenture_C-B70.ccd
This will expand the file MagVenture_C-B70.ccd into MagVenture_C-B70.nii.gz, if the file does not already exist, in which case it will skip the expansion unless you force overwrite with the -f flag.
Expand coil within the current path recursively: Open a terminal, go to the intended directory and run
coil2nifti -i .
Further notes¶
ccd2nifti -h
for the command line help