.. _tdcsoptimize_doc: TDCSoptimize ============= Describes a tDCS optimization problem Initialization --------------- * **Python** .. code-block:: python from simnibs import optimization opt = optimization.TDCSoptimize() \ * **MATLAB** .. code-block:: matlab opt = opt_struct('TDCSoptimize'); \ Attributes ----------- .. _leadfield_hdf_doc: * **leadfield_hdf**: *string (Python)/character array (MATLAB)* * **Desctiption**: Name of HDF5 file with leadfield (see :ref:`tdcsleadfield_doc`) * **Example**: *Python/MATLAB* .. code-block:: matlab opt.leadfield_hdf = 'tdcs_leadfield/ernie_leadfield_EEG10-10_UI_Jurak_2007.hdf5' \ .. _opt_name_doc: * **name**: *string (Python)/character array (MATLAB)* * **Desctiption**: Name of the optimization problem. Gives the path and the prefix to the output files * **Example**: *Python/MATLAB* To have the output files from the optimization in the :file:`tdcs_leadfield/` folder and the :file:`motor_cortex` prefix .. code-block:: matlab opt.name = 'tdcs_leadfield/motor_cortex' \ * **target**: *list/array of TDCStarget structure (Python/MATLAB)* * **Description**: List of targets for optimization. See :ref:`tdcstarget_doc`. By setting a list of targets, SimNIBS will try to optimize all of them simultaneously. * **avoid**: *list/array of TDCSavoid structure (Python/MATLAB), optional* * **Description**: List of regions to be more heavily punished during optimization. See :ref:`tdcsavoid_doc`. * **max_total_current**: *float, optional* * **Description**: Maximum total injected current, in A * **Default**: 2e-3 * **max_individual_current**: *float, optional* * **Description**: Maximum current injected in each electrode, in A * **Default**: 1e-3 * **max_active_electrodes**: *int, optional* * **Description**: Maximum number of active electrodes. Leave empty if no maximum number of electrodes * **Default**: No maximum References ----------- `Saturnino, G. B., Siebner, H. R., Thielscher, A., & Madsen, K. H. (2019). Accessibility of cortical regions to focal TES: Dependence on spatial position, safety, and practical constraints. NeuroImage, 203, 116183. `_