.. _tdcsavoid_doc: TDCSavoid ========== Initialization --------------- * **Python** .. code-block:: python from simnibs import optimization opt = optimization.TDCSoptimize() target = opt.add_avoid() \ * **MATLAB** .. code-block:: matlab opt = opt_struct('TDCSoptimize'); opt.avoid(1) \ Attributes ----------- * **positions**: *Nx3 list/array of floats (Python/MATLAB)* * **Desctiption**: Positions where the field is to be avoided (:ref:`see here for more information `). * **weight**: *float* * **Description**: Weight to be given to this avoid region. The largest the weight the more SimNIBS will avoid this region. Must be :math:`> 1`. * **Default**: :math:`10^3`. * **indexes**: *Nx1 list/array of ints (Python/MATLAB), optional* * **Description**: As an alternative to **positions**, you can select the **node** index or the **element** index (:ref:`see here for more information `). * **Default**: Get the points closest to the **positions**. * **radius**: *float, optional* * :ref:`See here `. * **tissues**: *list/array of ints (Python/MATLAB), optional* * **Descrption**: List of tissue indices where the target is defined. Leave empty if all tissues in the leadfield. * **Default**: All tissues .. note:: You can leave **positions** and **indexes** empty and only assign **tissues**. In this case, the avoidance region will be the whole tissue. This can be useful, e.g. to avoid co-stimulation of the eyes when designing a tACS montage.